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Katedra Handlu i Instytucji Rynkowych

About the Department

About the Department

Department of Commerce and Market Institutions 

Historically, our department has existed since the founding of the Kraków University of Economics. Its names, managers, and employees have changed, and standards and priorities have evolved, but we still pride ourselves on students’ interest, the high quality of our research and classes, and the strong bond that makes us a close-knit team.

The Department’s origins date back to 1925 when the University was founded, and Prof. dr. Zygmunt Sarna headed the then Department of Trade Organization. Since 1969, as the Department of Theory of Commodity Trading, the Chair was part of the Institute of Economics of Commodity Trading. Until 1983, the Institute and the Department of Theory of Commodity Turnover were headed by Prof. Dr. Eugeniusz Garbacik. From 1983 to 1994, the head of the Department was Prof. Dr. Andrzej Szromnik. Currently, the head is Prof. UEK Dr. Jaroslaw Plichta.

From left: dr hab. Władysław Szczepankiewicz, prof. UEK (emeritus associated professor), dr Iryna Manczak, dr Sebastian Brańka, dr hab. Adam Figiel, prof. UEK, dr hab. Adriana Paliwoda-Matiolańska, prof. UEK, dr Anna Szymańska, dr hab. Jarosław Plichta, prof. UEK, dr Justyna Dąbrowska, dr Karolina Orzeł, dr Jacek Bazarnik (emeritus senior lecturer)