Ułatwienia dostępu
Zespół badawczy z Katedry Turystyki UEK jest partnerem w projekcie: Empowering Open Innovation Tourism Network finansowanym przez Fundusz Wyszehradzki.
Koordynatorem polskiego Zespołu jest prof. UEK dr hab. Jadwiga Berbeka, członkami Zespołu:
Dr hab. Krzysztof Borodako, prof. UEK
Dr Michał Rudnicki
Projekt będzie realizowany w okresie: 20/01/2025–19/07/2026.
Celem projektu jest zwiększenie potencjału innowacyjnego w turystyce jako strategicznego czynnika konkurencyjności, prowadzącego do poprawy wskaźnika Travel & Tourism Development Index Serbii. Projekt umożliwi zrównoważony rozwój turystyki poprzez zaangażowanie interesariuszy w ekosystem rynku turystycznego w celu dzielenia się innowacyjnymi praktykami za pośrednictwem sieci otwartych innowacji w turystyce, która zostanie utworzona w regionie Vrnjačka Banja, jednym z najczęściej odwiedzanych miejsc turystycznych w Serbii.
W projekcie zostaną wykorzystane dobre praktyki w zakresie tworzenia i rozwijania sieci otwartych innowacji z krajów partnerskich, a kluczową rolę w tym względzie odgrywa polska uczelnia. Kolegium Zarządzania i Nauk o Jakości ma silne relacje z interesariuszami biznesowymi i administracji poprzez wspólne badania, udział w projektach i wieloletnie partnerstwa. Katedra Turystyki jest liderem w prowadzeniu badań rynku turystycznego (miasta Krakowa i Małopolski) i wspieraniu współpracy branżowej. Doświadczenia te będą podstawą prac w projekcie i stanowić będą benchmark dla pozostałych partnerów projektu, w tym zwłaszcza lidera projektu University of Kragujevac z Serbii.
The project aims to enhance innovation capacity in tourism as a strategic component of competitiveness in order to improve Serbia’s TTDI index, following the European Tourism Agenda 2030, which promotes data-sharing initiatives in tourism, especially those related to innovation. The project will enable innovation-driven, sustainable tourism development by engaging stakeholders in the tourism ecosystem to share a wide range of innovative tourism practises through an open innovation tourism network that will be formed in Vrnjačka Banja, one of the most visited tourism destinations in Serbia.
Open innovation provides access to external sources of knowledge, skills, ideas and solutions that are beneficial for various tourism businesses, especially entrepreneurs and SMEs that dominate the tourism industry and often lack the resources to capitalize on new opportunities in the very dynamic tourism market. Through an open innovation network, tourism stakeholders gain access to intellectual capital that they lack, such as human, structural and relational capital.
Partners from the V4 countries, which are much better positioned (Poland (27), Czech Republic (33) and Hungary (37)), are invited to support the formation of such a network by sharing the know-how of tourism networks in their countries. The project task is to lead the shift towards the open innovation paradigm by helping stakeholders to open up their boundaries, overcome scepticism and hesitation and build a network based on trust and commitment.
University of Kragujevac
Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja
The Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja is a member of the University of Kragujevac and the only public faculty specialising in the field of hotel, tourism and gastronomy management in the Republic of Serbia. Established in 2011, as the youngest member of the university, it has built a recognisible image both on educational and scientific scene. The Faculty is located in a well renowned Serbian spa with a tradition in tourism for over 175 years. Vrnjačka Banja is often referred to as the “queen of the continental tourism” and it is considered to be a birthplace of the Serbian tourism. The Faculty strongly encourages international collaboration, research and innovation by providing the necessary infrastructure and creating a favorable organizational culture.
University of Pannonia
University of Pannonia (UP) is a significant institution of higher education in Central-Transdanubian Region of Hungary. The University contributes to the functioning and improvement of the public and civil society with its high quality research and development. The Faculty of Business and Economics is active in the field of research and innovation programmes and an active and determining player of the local economy. Its fellow colleagues have substantial knowledge in developing, managing and implementing international collaboration projects: FP6, FP7, Leonardo, Erasmus+, COSME etc. The Faculty has established collaborations with the companies of Central and West Transdanubia in particular entities related to lake tourism. Lake tourism will be the form of tourism that this partner will focus on, constituting one of the 4 components included in the project.
Technical University of Liberec
The Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Liberec (TUL) is located in the Liberec Region, which is a traditional mountain destination with Jizera, Lusatian and Giant Mountains. This project partner has experience with tourism projects, e. g.: Services in Tourism in the Czech-Polish Border Area (Visegrad fund project 2021-2023); Challenges in Gastronomy in the Polish-Czech Border Area (European regional Development Fund 2022-2023 – contractual research); Analysis of Tourism Services in the Czech-Polish Border Area (Euroregion Neisse – Nisa – Nysa 2018-2019) and others. The project management team is composed of tourism experts. This partner contributes its project experience and good relationships with tourism market entities focused on mountain tourism.
Kick-off meeting
We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of the official kick-off meeting for the project “Empowering Open Innovation Tourism Networks”. During the meeting, the project partners reviewed key objectives, roles and timelines, addressed issues and defined steps for implementating activities in the coming period.
Pierwszym zadaniem, aktualnie realizowanym przez Zespół jest przygotowanie: Report on best practice on innovation-based collaboration in partner countries.
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